Photo: S. Fernandez
Apnea’s 18 day tracking route (434 km)

1: Transmission stopped (09-26-2019). 2: Transmission restarted (10-02-2019). White circle indicates last position received.
September 22 – October 10, 2019
Only a few days after her satellite transmitter was attached Apnea, a beautiful young whale, left Golfo Nuevo and swam away from the Valdes Peninsula. Her transmissions stopped for a few days, but then resumed once more when Apnea was traveling south. On October 10, at the latitude of Camarones and 100 kilometers from the coast, her transmitter once again stopped transmitting data.

The color of the dots follow a time sequence where the green dots represent the first locations in this period and the red dots the most recent locations, progressing through yellow and orange. The last position, indicated by a red dot with a white border, shows the geographic coordinates and time of reception of the transmission.