Female with calf
Place of tagging: Golfo Nuevo
Date of tagging: Sep. 9, 2024

Photo: Trackingwhales Project (2024)

Niquel´s tracking route

  • Niquel is the whale that traveled the most during this past month. This mother with calf covered 1,953 kilometers (1,214 miles) in only 19 days to arrive at the South Orkney Islands (Islas Orcadas del Sur). Bordering this archipelago along its northern coast and then traveling southeastwards, she entered the antarctic waters of the Weddell Sea.

  • Niquel, a female with calf, continues in an area of deep water next to the continental slope, where the cold and productive Malvinas (Falklands) Current flows. Her behavior patterns a few weeks ago seemed to indicate she was utilizing the marine eddies to feed.

  • In mid-December Niquel headed northeast over the continental shelf. When she arrived at the latitude of Peninsula Valdés, but in the deep ocean basin, she began traveling in an almost perfect clockwise circle. She may be feeding in an eddy, a circular ascending current that carries nutrients from the depths.

  • The follow-up team was getting ready to search for Niquel one more time in Golfo Nuevo, when she began her migratory travels. She left the quiet waters of the breeding grounds on November 7th, 59 days after being tagged. Upon departure, she traveled southeast, arriving at the limits of the Blue Hole.

  • Niquel and her active calf have been tracked for 54 days inside Golfo Nuevo. The last time the follow-up team was with them, for over an hour, the calf breached more than 20 times, while its mother submerged for periods of 10 minutes. The calf’s performance not only attracted the attention of the scientists, but also of the Puerto Pirámides whale watching boats with tourists on board, tourists who acclaimed her acrobatics with vigorous applause.

  • After spending some days exploring the coastal waters from the northern to the western sector of the gulf, Niquel and her calf traveled to deeper waters. This transition is usual in mothers with calves as the season advances.