The 8th season of Right Whale satellite tracking in the SW Atlantic is now under way
Photo: Trackingwhales Project (2024)
Main Tracking Map 2024/25
Latest update. Click on each whale to the right to see the individual trackline.
Updated Reports
March 22, 2025
With the beginning of fall in the southern hemisphere, and six months after being tagged with satellite transmitters in Golfo Nuevo, we continue tracking the migratory travels of 8 Southern Right Whales. Four of these whales (Neptunium, Moscovium, Aurum and Titanium) are feeding in the shallow and productive waters of the Argentine continental shelf. The other four (Tantalus, Sulfurium, Niquel and Rubidium) are thousands of miles from Peninsula Valdés, exploring the boundaries of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean and the Antarctic seas.
February 18, 2025
After more than 5 months of being tracked, eight tagged whales continue transmitting their positions. During this past month Niquel and Sulfurium traveled great distances, Niquel arriving to the freezing waters of the Weddell Sea, and Sulfurium to areas near South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur). The other six whales continue taking advantage of the productivity of the Argentine continental shelf and the deep ocean basin in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean.
January 14, 2025
Eight whales with active satellite devices continue transmitting their positions. Four of them are exploring the ocean basin (Tantalus, Sulfurium, Niquel and Titanium), and the other four (Neptunium, Moscovium, Aurum and Rubidium) remain over the continental shelf, in key areas off the coasts of Chubut and Santa Cruz provinces. The movement patterns recorded by all whales suggest behaviors associated with feeding, various of them taking advantage of marine eddies and zones enriched by the Malvinas (Falklands) Current.
December 22, 2024
During this fourth month of tracking, the satellite tags of eight whales continue signaling their positions. Half of the whales are now in the deep ocean basin (Tantalus, Sulfurium, Niquel and Titanium), while the other four whales (Neptunium, Moscovium, Aurum and Rubidium) remain over the Argentine continental shelf.
November 11, 2024
Even though mid-November is still a few days ahead, no whales with satellite tags remain in Golfo Nuevo. The eight whales with active satellite tags from the current season departed earlier than those tagged in previous years, and they are all currently traveling to, or, in some cases have already arrived, in their various feeding areas.
November 3, 2024
After two months of tracking, we continue receiving information from eight whales. During the first days of November Kalium’s satellite tag ceased transmissions. Except for Niquel and Neptunium, all the rest of the whales are already traveling to the various feeding areas in the southern seas.
October 22, 2024
Nine whales have active transmitters and continue signaling their positions, seven from the breeding ground in Golfo Nuevo, while two mothers with calf, Kalium and Sulfurium, have already started their migratory journey.
October 17, 2024
Ten whales were equipped with long duration satellite transmitters in September. One whale’s device (Platinum) disconnected 14 days later. Nine whales are currently transmitting their positions: eight from the breeding grounds in Golfo Nuevo, and one, Kalium and her calf, have already departed the gulf on October 9th for their migration.
Important information about satellite tracking
Animal welfare: New generation satellite tags used by the project may have minimal and short-term effects on the behavior and health of the animals. This research strives to use the safest technology to track whales.
Positions recorded: Positions have a margin of error of 200 to 2000 meters (which is the reason some tracks that are close to shore seem to be on dry land).
Duration: The devices stop sending data when they become detached, which can occur weeks or months after their deployment, or when their batteries run out, depending on various factors, but mainly on the type of tag used.